Aurelian Botanical Skincare: Simplicity & Science

Aurelian Botanical Skincare: Simplicity & Science

I come from a family of growers and gardeners, three generations of hands in the soil, coaxing plants into their strongest forms. I was growing things from such an early age and have been for such an extended time that I almost didn't awaken to how special the gift is.  

I studied history and biology in college, majoring in both - taking every opportunity to focus on plants and their role in our story and their own story. Life among plants feels like a natural, logical way of being. I can't imagine it otherwise. I talk to my roses, lots of cooing and positive reinforcement; 'little darling' this and that.

It's from this place that I created Aurelian. The ability to combine my affinity for plants and science, rigor and patience, balance and love for our delicate world. Plant-centric body care is like a duet - two stories, plant, and human, sung together.

Aurelian's Philosophy

Skin and body care have a habit of self-categorizing as either natural and simple or science and study-backed. As if those categories are mutually exclusive. I've also noticed a heavy consumerist skew suggesting that one brand or another has all of the answers. We fight against hyperbolic declarations like 'the end all' or 'your new obsession' every day.

Good skin care is about love and compassion for self, plants, people, and world. I strive for my formulary to be a safe haven of self-care, a place of respite from a world that often judges too harshly or encourages us to judge ourselves. Made simply, but backed by the best available information and research.

We hold ourselves to a rigorous 10 point formulation standard that addresses all facets of cosmetic formulation from ingredient origins to safety for our customer and the post-consumer impact.  Read more about our formulation standard here.

The Aurelian Ethos

  • Diversity in our routines serves mind and body - our skin is ever-changing, and our decisions about what we put on our bodies should too. Our routines should be flexible and in a state of flow.  
  • Simple, plant-centric, and scientifically supported can all live together in harmony. Every formulation I've put together strives to keep ingredients simple, plant-forward, and sensitive skin safe. As a result, I also utilize scientific advances for emulsifiers, preservatives, and other components that improve the overall outcome.  
  • All skin is sensitive skin. I personally suffer from rosacea and an auto-immune disease that causes painful eczema flares. Every formulation I put together is intended to mild and gentle on skin.
  • Botanical skincare needs ingredient accountability. In addition to seeking out organic or COSMOS ingredients as much as possible, I look for suppliers that do not exploit their sources. This challenge is particularly true for essential and plant oils - many of which come from developing countries. 
  • I am forever a student. I love learning more about my craft. I bring the best to my formulary when I stay in a place of openness and flow.  

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